

The intent of this Graduate Program in Education (PPGE) is to produce knowledge and offer conditions that enable the vocational training of professionals capable of facing the challenges posed to education by the profound changes inherent to contemporary culture. This encompassing intent is associated to the following specific objectives:

          Contribute to the development of theories that enables an innovative and critical view of the Brazilian education system.

          Peruse the inception of educational problems with contemporary sociocultural issues.

          Produce studies and research on problems faced by school institutions, as well as other cases of the conveyance of knowledge and values.

These objectives are attested in the Program's Concentration Area, in the activities of the inherent research lines as well as in the subject-program.

The program is recognized by CAPES:

MEC Ordinance no. 1,077, of August 31, 2012, published in the Official Gazette of 09/13/2012 (NOTATION 4)



Prof. Rita de Cássia Pereira Lima

Assistant Coordinator:

Prof. Jaciara de Sá Carvalho



Av. Presidente Vargas 642, 22º andar

CEP: 20071-001 - Centro - Rio de Janeiro/RJ


Telephones: (21) 2206-9741 / 2206-9743

Fax: +55 (21) 2206-9751


Program Secretariat: 
