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The Professional Master's Degree in Family Health Program has a multiprofessional profile and aims to train masters who could be qualified to exercise leadership in the context of Family Health Strategy implementation, such as developing research applied to diagnosis of health needs and to evaluate interventions implemented in services. It enables professionals to play an important role in development, supervision and production of knowledge in that subject.

The course leads to improvement of SUS's basic health care management systems and to the promotion and improvement of health care processes. Graduates will be able to act in different process of training and permanent education and also hold teaching positions in undergraduate and postgraduate courses.

MSc students are encouraged to develop self-directed learning skills, self-criticism, communication and work performance in small groups, as well as improve sensitivity to characteristics of their work reality and commitment to collective reflection and peer learning.


Research lines

- LOCAL DIAGNOSIS AND SURVEILLANCE IN FAMILY HEALTH - Aims the diagnosis of needs, demands, utilization and satisfaction of population ascribed to basic health care. The epidemiological and health surveillance studies (sanitary, epidemiological and environmental) are used as research tools.


 - FAMILY HEALTH PRACTICES AND TECHNOLOGIES - Develops studies on solvability of basic health care practices, including descriptive and analytical studies about expectations, perceived morbidity and potential risks that involve the multi-causality of health-disease process in ascribed populations. It carries out studies of specific tools used to expand actions in family health strategy.


- WORK PROCESS AND PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT IN FAMILY HEALTH -Develops studies related to teams’ daily work and about professional qualification connected to primary care. It analyzes the social relations established in the process of disease determination and in care practices. Recognizes the promotion process, prevention and adherence to continuous treatments. It analyzes curricular structures for professionals training linked to basic health care, the decision making process and the criteria used for contracting human resources in health.


- MANAGEMENT AND INTEGRATION OF FAMILY HEALTH TO SUS - Conducts studies on effectiveness and efficiency of national, regional or local services and strategies for promotion health care. Analyzes the participation of social control in health services, health management democratization and decision-making processes. Performs health network studies and their mechanisms of reference and counter-reference.