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The Estácio de Sá University Graduate Program (PPGD/UNESA) offers Master and PhD degrees. In 1994 the Master course was established and a few years latter, in 2000, the Ph.D degree  was offered as well.


The PPGD/UNESA is acknowledged by Capes with a 5 point score.


The PPGD/UNESA  host a  law review  called “Juris Poiesis” which is an open acess on line publication available at http://periodicos.estacio.br/index.php/jurispoiesis/index


The main objectives of the program are:

  • to encourage legal research, within dogmatical and interdisciplinary studies with other understandings as an educational foundation for crucial legal knowledge;
  • to enable researchers to comprehend the connections between the legal system and its surroundings, especially with other educational branches;
  • to enable teachers to understand and question legal phenomena in its many aspects, enabling them to search for solutions to challenges presented before them.
  • to enable scholars to assist in research advances and improve Brazil’s educational system, contributing on a global view.


The  studies and research carried out by the Program focus on  PUBLIC LAW AND SOCIAL EVOLUTION.