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Research Groups

The research projects represent the particular vision of each teacher, inserted in the general research view of the program and referred to thematic sub-areas of the research lines. The projects allow teachers and students of the program to dialogue with other institutions, thus allowing the coordination of a research network, as well as academic output from the professors and thesis writing. At the moment, the following research projects are ongoing:

Projects of Organizations

Projects of Management Technologies

Business Administration research groups certified in the CNPq Research Groups Directory

Research group

Research line

Technologies and Management

Year of constitution: 2006

Leader: José Geraldo Pereira Barbosa

Innovation Processes in Service Sector Organizations

Adoption of ICT Innovations (Health 4.0) in Cancer Prevention and Control in Brazil

Development of Mathematical Models to Improve Business Performance

Innovation and Organizational Performance

Financial Aspects of Decision Making

Quantitative Models Applied in the Management Area


Year of constitution: 2006

Leader: Jose Aires Trigo

Marketing Strategies and Consumer Behavior

Digital Marketing for Consumer and Companies

Training and Performance in Public, Private and Third Sector Organizations

Public, Private and Third Sector Organizations Behavior

Ethics and Spirituality in Public and Private Administration

The incorporation of Environmental Management and Governance practices in organizational processes
The management of organizations from the socio-environmental perspective: transcending paradigms through a holistic view
Strategic Management in Organizations
Studies on Women in Organizations