Institutional Exchanges

UNESA's PPGE promotes exchanges that have made possible various collaborative activities, including research projects, publications, technical meetings, postdoctoral courses and other academic exchanges.


Here are some of our partnerships. 


International Center for Studies in Social Representations and Subjectivity - Education (CIERS-Ed) - Carlos Chagas Foundation/UNESCO Master Class on Teaching Professionalization.

CIERS-Ed, created in 2006 by the Department of Educational Research of the Carlos Chagas Foundation with the support of the European Laboratory of Social Psychology (LEPS) of the Maison des Sciences de l'Homme of Paris (MSH), aims to develop macro analysis, comparative research, advanced study seminars and dissemination of the work developed. The agreement with UNESA was formalized that same year (2006), consolidating an already long partnership of this PPGE, in particular of the Line of Research Social Representations and Educational Practices, the network of researchers, nationwide and overseas, who work in the field of Representations.


ESTRADO NETWORK - Latin American Network of Academic Work Studies

Founded in 1999 in Rio de Janeiro, this network has been growing and strengthening by various means: exchange of experiences, meetings of researchers, work developed jointly by some of its members and especially by the diffusion and online communication. Since 2010, teachers Alda Mazzotti, Tarso Mazzotti, Helenice Maia and Monica Rabello de Castro participate in RED ESTRADO as associate researchers.


Open University of the United Kingdom

Continuing the discussions and the beginning of the works in 2011, when Prof.  Giselle Ferreira joined Estácio's PPGE academic staff, at the end of 2012, her appointment as a Visiting Researcher at the Open University, associated with the Technology and Education Research Group (TERG) was approved and since then she started to work in liaison with other professors of the TICPE Line. Within the scope of this exchange, possibilities are opened for the achievement of researches and joint publications, sandwich internships and other academic exchanges. One of the aspects of this exchange, developed in 2012, is the collaboration with the group that develops the Sens tool, developed in the Open itself in a collaboration of this institution with the MIT Media Lab. This is a programming environment with a graphical interface based on Scratch software developed at MIT to teach programming to children and young people. The work developed by the Open team involved the modification of the graphical interface in order to adapt it for a different age group, as well as the development of a hardware board to support experimental activities associating programming to other subjects explored in the module. The tool is being used in a Master's research spearheaded by Prof. Giselle, considering the field for the conduction of an Action Research work, an EJA course offered by a traditional teaching institution in Rio de Janeiro. One of the products of this work already in development is a version of Sense in Portuguese, which will be shared freely in the network.


Project OportUnidad

In 2012 UNESA was chosen as the Fellow Institution in the project OportUnidad, an initiative funded by the EuropeAid ALFA III Program of the European Commission, which aims to promote and support the development of institutional projects in the area of Open Educational Resources (OER) in Latin American countries. The project counts on 11 partner institutions: Università degli Studi Guglielmo Marconi, Italy; University of Oxford, United Kingdom; Fundacion Uvirtual, Bolívia; Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, Spain; Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal; Distance State University, Costa Rica; Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja, Ecuador; Universidad Tecvirtual del Sistema Tecnológico de Monterrey, Mexico; Universidade Federal Fluminense. The UFF acts as the managing body of 11 institutions nationwide and Prof. Giselle Ferreira acts as a contact of UNESA with the project, and it also reckons on the support of the following professors:  Estrella Bohadana and Laélia Moreira.


Interactive Laboratory - Université de Montréal

The Inter@tiva ( - Communication and Natural Logic - research laboratory coordinated by Prof. Milton Campos, aims to study socio-political interactions according to a critique-constructivist approach articulating communication, argumentation and natural logic. The Inter@tiva conjoins three partners: LANCE - Laboratory of Education Communication Analysis of UNESA’s PPGE; CRS - Semiology Research Center do Instituto de Filosofia da Université de Neuchâtel ( e CRLN – Centro di ricerca della logica naturale of the University of Bergamo (


Group of Rhetoric Research and Pedagogy Argumentation (USP/CNPq)

Created by Marcus Vinicius da Cunha (USP) and Tarso Bonilha Mazzotti (PPGE / UNESA) in 2002, the Group of Rhetoric Research and Pedagogy Argumentation ( ) comprises 12 researchers and students from several higher education institutions (USP, UNESA, UFRJ, UNIRIO, UNESP). The purpose of the researches is the achievement of studies and researches considering the new rhetoric proposed by Perelman and Olbrechts-Tyteca as the main reference and the representatives of the rediscovery movement of the philosophy of Aristotle initiated in the first half of the twentieth century. The PPG Education section of UNESA is also integrated by Prof. Márcio Lemgruber, who develops the Rhetoric research line: theoretical-methodological developments. The Interlocution in the group contributes to both the RSPE research line and the Argumentation and Teaching Mediation research group in the EaD of the TICPE line.